Wednesday, August 18, 2010

We're all scared, it's the human condition...

It May Just Be Me...

Or has everyday become a redundant cycle. The cycle of waking in the morning, only to fall asleep again. To wake up in the morning, to get ready to continue the mind numbing routine of learning, of working, only to fall asleep again.
In most other cases, it is to wake up, mindless and satisfied, temporarily cure any bout of boredom that arises, wait for the night to end, and fall asleep again, ready for the next morning.

It's a viscous cycle.

However, ignorance is bliss...
Without wanting anymore, how can you be unhappy with your life? Without knowing what is beyond the box, why bother thinking outside it in the first place? Curiosity is what creates the initial uncertainty, a wanting to know what else life, or the box has to offer.

And remember curiosity provides a need for answers.

Nothing scratches a mental itch quite like it. It's like an addiction, every question needs an answer, and when all that is asked is resolved, more questions need to be created in order to feed the habit.

But that's just part of growing up.

Remember, ignorance is bliss.. and when you get older the greatest similarity two individuals can share are the choices they make. Some people choose to stop asking questions, because the number of answers they've accumulated is enough. Their box is complete and they'll continue to explore it the rest of their lives. Others continue to surrender themselves to the craving, and some brainpower hungry individuals are stuck in the viscous cycle. However..

It may just be me.

Thoughts of a Dying Atheist, the music is true, it scares the hell out of me, and the end is all i can see.

For anyone who considers themselves an Atheist, nobody is able to stop time, it's as futile as keeping sand cupped in your hands. What was the distant future has already become the distant past. It's become 'once upon a time'.

'We're in high school.'

'Can't wait till we're on holidays.'

'Payday wont come any sooner.'

'I'm so over high school.'


'Uni's going to be so much better..'

'I just want to graduate.'

'I just want a full time job.'

'You get the point.'

Maybe if you stopped to think, what felt like it'd take forever to come, has come, and already gone. It feels as if there is no such thing as 'now', because 'now' seems to always make its way to the past.

The distant future is closer than you think.

So it's time to do something with yourself David, before 'it's going to happen' becomes 'it's over'.

We're all scared.


It May Just Me.


  1. daveee lets talk properly some time soon mate :)

  2. Interesting read David.
    Yep life is short. Talk to Felix F hahahhaha

    btw its Wayne lol.
